Father Proves That His Son's Grades Matter…..
Father writes "My Grades Matter" on $400 pair of J's because his son brings home 2 D's……Does Your Kids Grades Matter? #LegendBlue11 #Jordans #MyGradesMatter
Posted by Imsofirst Hart on Thursday, 19 March 2015
This story of father-and-son sneaker retribution is unlike any we’ve heard before.
One Christmas, Kurin Keys surprised his 14-year-old son with a pair of “Legend Blue” Air Jordan XIs. Everything was fine until young Keys brought home his report card, which included two ‘Ds’ on it. Instead of allowing his son to stunt, Keys took matters into his own hands and taught the young’n a lesson by scribbling “My Grades Matter” all over the sneakers with a Sharpie.
“I don’t care about what I spent on the shoes. I need this message to come across everyday when he looks down at his feet, when he feels like he’s fresh to death,” Kurin explained. As much as we love our Js, grades do matter.