Toni Kukoc’s Pre-Game Routine Involved Eating a Lot, Drinking Wine, Espresso & Taking a “Huge Shit”. LOL

By Viral Hoops Staff

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Remember Toni Kukoc?

The Croatian was renowned for his versatility and passing ability; although his natural position was small forward, he played all five positions on the court with prowess and demonstrated court vision and an outside shooting touch that were seldom found in players of his height (6’11”).

Most famous for his championship stint with the Chicago Bulls, former teammate Steve Kerr shared this wonderful story about when he first came to the league and his pre-game routine:

“I’ll tell you a quick story about Toni Kukoc when he came over to the nBA. First game of the season I asked him if he wanted to go grab a bite to eat, it’s about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, four hours before the game. He orders this feast, salad, appetiser, huge plate of pasta, chicken, glass of red wine, a dessert like a tiramisu and then he follows it up with an expresso.

“I’m just in awe. Sitting there looking at him like, ‘Toni, this is your pre-game meal?’. He goes: “In Europe, we eat a lot, we drink a little wine, we have espresso, we go back to hotel take a big shit then we go play!”.

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