She Launched a Full Court Overhead Sling & You Won’t Believe What Happened Next – Is This a Two or a Three?!

By Viral Hoops Staff

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Question of the day: if a ball is shot in the air by a player who is behind the 3 point line, and the ball is not touched by anyone on its flight, doesn’t reach the rim, bounces off the ground and bounces into the basket, does it count as a 2 or 3 pointer?

That is exactly what happened to Anna Olson, of Lewis Palmer High School, when she launched a hail mary full court shot at the end of the third quarter that bounced once and went in!

The officials were unsure how to score the point, but ruled it a three pointer! What do you think?

Girl-Full-Court-Bounce-ShotFull Court Bounce ShotBounce Three PointerThree Pointer or Two PointerFull Court Shot Goes In

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